1. Copy Your DoinGud Wallet Address

From DoinGud, click your profile image in the top right corner and click the icon with the two squares next to your numeric wallet address starting with 0x... to copy your public wallet address.

Notice: To learn how to connect Polygon to Metamask, please follow thisĀ guide.


2. Paste your public wallet address

Go to your Polygon supported wallet where you will be sending the funds from, press "send", select USDC, and paste the public address.

*NOTICE: If USDC is not showing up in your wallet, you may need to add it manually. Under "import token" add the following contract address: 0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174

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3. Choose the Funds Amount

Type the amount of funds you'd like to send and click "Next"

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4. Confirm Transaction

Review and confirm transaction. Once your transaction finishes processing you should see your funds show up in your DoinGud account.

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